The Peter Michael Winery, California

I think HAVING LAND and NOT RUINING IT is the MOST BEAUTIFUL ART that anybody could ever want" - Andy Warhol
Donna Reid is a professional photographer who specialises in natural photography, and is based near Lake Tahoe in California, United States. Donna has worked with the Peter Michael Winery as a photographer since 2015 by capturing its day-to-day workings. She was awarded a degree in photojournalism from the University of Florida, and is passionate about creating “compelling” and “remarkable images” of nature using natural light using her digital camera. Donna approaches her photographic work by asking questions of herself and her viewers such as:
“Does it move you? Does it speak to you? Does it make you think or feel, in even a small way? How can my images have real impact? How can this moment be captured in a way that I have never seen before?”.